Around the middle of the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg invented letterpress printing with movable type. His largest and most famous work is the 42-line Gutenberg Bible. Two of the world's 49 surviving copies can be admired in the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz.
The Gutenberg Shop, which is part of the museum, sells reprints of individual pages of the Gutenberg Bible, which are decorated with classical book illumination in addition to the printed text, just as in the original. For this I provide the pages with painted initials, tendrils and real gilding on the leaves. The pages are available in the Gutenberg store in Mainz or on its website:
In the episode "How to make a Christmas print" of the series "SWR Handwerkskunst" you can see how a sheet ist first set and printed by Christoph Sünder from the print shop of the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz and then illuminated by me.
Möchtest du lernen, wie man eine mittelalterliche Initiale malt und mit Blattgold verziert? Dann habe ich tolle Neuigkeiten für dich, denn ich bereite gerade einen Kurs dazu vor! Trage dich hier in meine Warteliste ein, um einen exklusiven Rabatt zu erhalten und als Erster zu erfahren, wenn der Kurs beginnt:
Would you like to learn how to paint a medieval initial and decorate it with gold leaf? Then I've got great news for you, because I'm currently preparing a course! Sign up for my waiting list to receive an exklusive discount and to be the first to know when the course launches:
Aktuelles Projekt: Exalted Funeral hat mich "entführt und in ihrem wunderbar eingerichteten Künstlerverlies gefesselt", um an ihrem Kickstarter-Projekt zu einem "äußerst offiziell lizenzierten Monty Python Tabletop-Rollenspiel" mitzuarbeiten. Ich freue mich sehr darüber!
UPDATE: Das "Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme" ist fertig! Jedenfalls das PDF des dazugehörigen Buches, in dem ein ganzes Kapitel mit Initialen von mir gestaltet ist. Regelmäßige Updates zu dem Projekt gibt es hier:
Current project: Exalted Funeral has "kidnapped me and fitted me with shackles in their wonderfully appointed artist's dungeon" to collaborate on their Kickstarter project for an "extremely officially licensed Monty Python tabletop role-playing game". I'm very excited about this!
UPDATE: The "Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme" is finished! At least the PDF of the accompanying book, in which a whole chapter is designed with my initials. Regular updates on the project can be found here:
Mehr Bilder und Zeichnungen sowie Einblicke in den Fortschritt meiner aktuellen Arbeit findet ihr auf meinem Instagram-Profil bookillumination.
You can find more pictures and drawings as well as insights into the progress of my current work on my instagram profile bookillumination.